Kirk Lohmueller | Comparison of the Distribution of Fitness Effects across Species using the Poisson Random Field Framework | CGSI 2016

08/04/2016 @ 11:15-12:15 Research Talk by Kirk Lohmueller Comparison of the Distribution of Fitness Effects across Species using the Poisson Random Field Framework 1. Sawyer, S.A. and Hartl, D.L., 1992. Population genetics of polymorphism and divergence. Genetics, 132(4), pp.1161-1176. 2. Eyre-Walker, A. and Keightley, P.D., 2007. The distribution of fitness effects of new mutations. Nature…

Sagi Snir | Research Talk on reconstructing Evolution from the Tiniest Fractions | CGSI 2016

08/04/2016: 10:30-11:15 Research Talk by Sagi Snir Research Talk on reconstructing Evolution from the Tiniest Fractions: Basics, Challenges, and Application 1. Steel, M., 1992. The complexity of reconstructing trees from qualitative characters and subtrees. Journal of classification, 9(1), pp.91-116. 2. Snir, S. and Yuster, R., 2012. Reconstructing approximate phylogenetic trees from quartet samples. SIAM Journal…

Saharon Rosset | Mixed Modeling for Case-control Genome-wide Studies | CGSI 2016

07/28/2016 @ 09:30-10:15 Research Talk by Saharon Rosset Mixed Modeling for Case-control Genome-wide Studies: A Major Challenge 1. Golan, D., Lander, E.S. and Rosset, S., 2014. Measuring missing heritability: inferring the contribution of common variants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(49), pp.E5272-E5281. 2. Golan, D. and Rosset, S., 2014. Effective genetic-risk prediction using…

Kirk Lohmueller | The Interplay Between Demography and Selection in Dogs, Wolves, and Foxes | CGSI 2016

07/22/2016 @ 15:15-16:0 Research Talk by Kirk Lohmueller The Interplay Between Demography and Selection in Dogs, Wolves, and Foxes 1. Marsden, C.D., Ortega-Del Vecchyo, D., O’Brien, D.P., Taylor, J.F., Ramirez, O., Vilà, C., Marques-Bonet, T., Schnabel, R.D., Wayne, R.K. and Lohmueller, K.E., 2016. Bottlenecks and selective sweeps during domestication have increased deleterious genetic variation in…

Dan Geschwind | Integrative Genomics in Neuropsychiatric Diseases | CGSI 2016

07/21/2016 @ 16:00-16:50 Research Talk by Dan Geschwind Integrative Genomics in Neuropsychiatric Diseases 1. Parikshak, N.N., Gandal, M.J. and Geschwind, D.H., 2015. Systems biology and gene networks in neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders. Nature Reviews Genetics, 16(8), pp.441-458. 2. Parikshak, N.N., Luo, R., Zhang, A., Won, H., Lowe, J.K., Chandran, V., Horvath, S. and Geschwind, D.H.,…

Brian Browning | Genotype Imputation with Millions of Reference Samples | CGSI 2016

07/21/2016 @ 14:45-15:30 Research Talk by Brian Browning Genotype Imputation with Millions of Reference Samples 1. Marchini, J. and Howie, B., 2010. Genotype imputation for genome-wide association studies. Nature Reviews Genetics, 11(7), pp.499-511. 2. Howie, B., Fuchsberger, C., Stephens, M., Marchini, J. and Abecasis, G.R., 2012. Fast and accurate genotype imputation in genome-wide association studies…