We are now accepting application for the Computational Genomics Summer Institute 2025! Please follow the application link above and see below for more information. The preliminary CGSI 2025 speakers will be announced in the winter and will be updated as they confirm.
The Computational Genomics Summer Institute 2025 dates will be:
July 9 – August 1, 2025
July 9 – July 12 – Opening Retreat in Palos Verdes
July 14 – July 18 – First Short Program: Computational Genomics – Workshops in Popgen/Statgen, Computational Methods in Genomics and Computational Methods
July 21 – 25 – Middle Week, Long Program
July 28 – August 1 – Second Short Program: Computational Medicine – Workshops in Genomic Biobanks, Machine Learning in Health
Long program participants attend the entire program. Short program participants attend one of the two short programs.
CGSI alumni, did you publish an article as a result of CGSI? Please tell us about it!
CGSI is supported by a grant from the NIH. Outcomes of the program, including publications that resulted from a collaboration that started at CGSI, demonstrate the impact of the program. Please complete the form to report a publication. The form also has a space for reporting other kinds of outcomes.

Long Program
Graduate students and recent PhDs may apply to participate in the entire 23-day long program (July 9 – August 1), including the Big Bear retreat and both short courses. The intermediate week will consist of morning lectures and group discussions and presentations. Housing is available for an additional fee.
Short Programs
CGSI 2024 program faculty
Ahmed Alaa | UC Berkeley & UCSF
Can Alkan | Bilkent University
Corey Arnold | University of California, Los Angeles
Vineet Bafna | University of California, San Diego
Vikas Bansal | University of California, San Diego
Lisa Bastarache | Vanderbilt University
Kayhan Batmanghelich | Boston University
Brian Browning | University of Washington
Na Cai | Helmholtz Zentrum München
Francesco Paolo Casale | Helmholtz Munich
Tim Chang | University of California, Los Angeles
Irene Chen | UC Berkeley & UCSF
Haoyu Cheng | Yale University
Jeffrey Chiang | University of California, Los Angeles
Rayan Chikhi | University of Lille
Ercument Cicek Bilkent | University & Carnegie Mellon University
Andrew Dahl | University of Chicago
Jessica Dennis | University of British Columbia
Mohammed El-Kebir | University of Illinois, Urbana Champagne
Jason Ernst | University of California, Los Angeles
Eleazar Eskin | University of California, Los Angeles
Nandita Garud | University of California, Los Angeles
Casey Greene | University of Colorado
Gamze Gürsoy | Columbia University
Juan Gutierrez | Department Chair of Math at UT San Antonio
Iman Hajirasouliha | Cornell University
Fereydoun Hormozdiari | University of California, Davis
Haky (Hae Kyung) Im | University of Chicago
Evan Johnson | Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
Shalmali Joshi | Columbia University
Aly Azeem Khan | University of Chicago
Jaehee Kim | Cornell University
David Knowles | Columbia University
David Koslicki | Pennsylvania State University
Rahul Krishnan | University of Toronto
Smita Krishnaswamy | Yale University
Kenneth Lange | University of California, Los Angeles
Iuliana Laza | Columbia University
Christina Leslie | Sloan Kettering Institute
Jingyi (Jessica) Li | University of California, Los Angeles
Qunhua Li | Pennsylvania State University
Wei Li | University of California, Irvine
Christoph Lippert Hasso | Plattner Institute
Stefano Lonardi | University of California, Riverside
Jian Ma | Carnegie Mellon University
Nick Mancuso | University of Southern California
Jazlyn Mooney | University of Southern California
Loes Olde Loohuis | University of California, Los Angeles
Pavel Pevzner | University of California, San Diego
Harold Pimentel | University of California, Los Angeles
Rajesh Ranganath | New York University
Ben Raphael | Princeton University
Saharon Rosset | Tel Aviv University
Sushmita Roy | University of Wisconsin-Madison
Julia Salzman | Stanford University
Kris Sankaran | University of Wisconsin – Madison
Ayellet Segre | Harvard Medical School
Sagiv Shifman | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Ritambhara Singh | Brown University
Pavel Skums | University of Connecticut
Sagi Snir | University of Haifa
Matthew Stephens | University of Chicago
Daniel Tward | University of California, Los Angeles
Wei Wang | University of California, Los Angeles
Wenyi Wang | MD Anderson Cancer Center
Tandy Warnow | University of Illinois
April Wei | Cornell University
Loic Yengo | University of Queensland, Australia
Chongzhi Zang | University of Virginia
Alex Zelikovsky | Georgia State University
Jing Zhang | University of California, Irvine
Shaojie Zhang | University of Central Florida
Xinjun Zhang | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Zijun (Frank) Zhang | Cedars-Sinai Medical Center