Brian Browning | Genotype Imputation with Millions of Reference Samples | CGSI 2016

07/21/2016 @ 14:45-15:30 Research Talk by Brian Browning Genotype Imputation with Millions of Reference Samples 1. Marchini, J. and Howie, B., 2010. Genotype imputation for genome-wide association studies. Nature Reviews Genetics, 11(7), pp.499-511. 2. Howie, B., Fuchsberger, C., Stephens, M., Marchini, J. and Abecasis, G.R., 2012. Fast and accurate genotype imputation in genome-wide association studies…

Noah Zaitlen | Variances and Covariances in Recently Admixed Populations | CGSI 2016

07/21/2016 @ 14:00-14:45 Research Talk by Noah Zaitlen Variances and Covariances in Recently Admixed Populations 1. Zou, J.Y., Park, D.S., Burchard, E.G., Torgerson, D.G., Pino-Yanes, M., Song, Y.S., Sankararaman, S., Halperin, E. and Zaitlen, N., 2015. Genetic and socioeconomic study of mate choice in Latinos reveals novel assortment patterns. Proceedings of the National Academy of…

Saharon Rosset | Bootstrap – The Statistician’s Magic Wand | CGSI 2016

07/21/2016 @ 10:00-10:45 Tutorial by Saharon Rosset Bootstrap – The Statistician’s Magic Wand 1. Efron, B. and Tibshirani, R.J., 1994. An introduction to the bootstrap. CRC press. 2. Felsenstein, J., 1985. Confidence limits on phylogenies: an approach using the bootstrap. Evolution, pp.783-791. 3. Efron, B., Halloran, E. and Holmes, S., 1996. Bootstrap confidence levels for…

Jennifer Listgarten | Structured Populations in Genetics | CGSI 2016

07/21/2016 @ 09:15-10:00 Research Talk by Jennifer Listgarten Structured Populations in Genetics 1. Lippert, C., Listgarten, J., Liu, Y., Kadie, C.M., Davidson, R.I. and Heckerman, D., 2011. FaST linear mixed models for genome-wide association studies. Nature methods, 8(10), pp.833-835. 2. Listgarten, J., Lippert, C., Kadie, C.M., Davidson, R.I., Eskin, E. and Heckerman, D., 2012. Improved…

Alexander Schönhuth | Quantifying Uncertainties in Big Genome Data | CGSI 2016

07/20/2016 @ 16:15-17:00 Research Talk by Alexander Schönhuth Quantifying Uncertainties in Big Genome Data 1. Marschall, T., Costa, I.G., Canzar, S., Bauer, M., Klau, G.W., Schliep, A. and Schönhuth, A., 2012. CLEVER: clique-enumerating variant finder. Bioinformatics, 28(22), pp.2875-2882. 2. Marschall, T. and Schoenhuth, A., 2013. LASER: Sensitive long-Indel-aware alignment of sequencing reads. arXiv. org e-Print…

Fereydoun Hormozdiari | Detecting Structural Variation | CGSI 2016

07/20/2016 @ 09:15-10:00 Tutorial by Fereydoun Hormozdiari Detecting Structural Variation 1. Hormozdiari, F., Alkan, C., Eichler, E.E. and Sahinalp, S.C., 2009. Combinatorial algorithms for structural variation detection in high-throughput sequenced genomes. Genome research, 19(7), pp.1270-1278. 2. Alkan, C., Coe, B.P. and Eichler, E.E., 2011. Genome structural variation discovery and genotyping. Nature Reviews Genetics, 12(5), pp.363-376….

Jason Ernst | Deciphering the Non-coding Human Genome | CGSI 2016

07/20/2016 @ 10:00-10:45 Research Talk by Jason Ernst Deciphering the Non-coding Human Genome 1. Ernst, J. and Kellis, M., 2010. Discovery and characterization of chromatin states for systematic annotation of the human genome. Nature biotechnology, 28(8), pp.817-825. 2. Ernst, J., Kheradpour, P., Mikkelsen, T.S., Shoresh, N., Ward, L.D., Epstein, C.B., Zhang, X., Wang, L., Issner,…

Bogdan Pasaniuc | Methods to understand the Polygenic Architecture of Complex Traits | CGSI 2016

07/20/2016 @ 14:00-14:45 Research Talk by Bogdan Pasaniuc Methods to understand the Polygenic Architecture of Complex Traits 1. Shi, H., Kichaev, G. and Pasaniuc, B., 2016. Contrasting the genetic architecture of 30 complex traits from summary association data. The American Journal of Human Genetics, 99(1), pp.139-153. 2. Gusev, A., Ko, A., Shi, H., Bhatia, G.,…

Ben Raphael| Computational Analysis of Somatic Mutations in Cancer | CGSI 2016

07/20/2016 @ 15:15-16:00 Tutorial by Ben Raphael Computational Analysis of Somatic Mutations in Cancer 1. Ding, L., Wendl, M.C., McMichael, J.F. and Raphael, B.J., 2014. Expanding the computational toolbox for mining cancer genomes. Nature Reviews Genetics, 15(8), pp.556-570. 2. Raphael, B.J., Dobson, J.R., Oesper, L. and Vandin, F., 2014. Identifying driver mutations in sequenced cancer…

Alex Zelikovsky | High-Throughput Sequencing Applications to Molecular Epidemiology | CGSI 2016

07/19/2016 @ 15:15-16:00 Tutorial by Alex Zelikovsky High-Throughput Sequencing Applications to Molecular Epidemiology 1. Wertheim, J.O., Brown, A.J.L., Hepler, N.L., Mehta, S.R., Richman, D.D., Smith, D.M. and Pond, S.L.K., 2014. The global transmission network of HIV-1. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 209(2), pp.304-313. 2. Jombart, T., Cori, A., Didelot, X., Cauchemez, S., Fraser, C. and Ferguson,…