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07/11/2017 @ 09:15-10:00
Tutorial by Alexander Schönhuth
Assembling polyploid genomes
1. Baaijens, J.A., El Aabidine, A.Z., Rivals, E. and Schönhuth, A., 2017. De novo assembly of viral quasispecies using overlap graphs. Genome Research, 27(5), pp.835-848.
2. Välimäki, N., Ladra, S. and Mäkinen, V., 2012. Approximate all-pairs suffix/prefix overlaps. Information and Computation, 213, pp.49-58.
3. Li, H., 2016. Minimap and miniasm: fast mapping and de novo assembly for noisy long sequences. Bioinformatics, p.btw152.