CGSI 2024
CGSI Organizing Committee
Faculty 2024
Ahmed Alaa | Applications of Conformal Prediction in Medicine
Corey Arnold | Corey Arnold | Applications of AI in Healthcare: From the EHR to Imaging
Vineet Bafna | ecDNA and Breakage Fusion Bridge: two facets of oncogene amplification in cancer
Vikas Bansal | Detection of genetic variation in highly homologous genes using short read sequencing
Lisa Bastarache | The real world phenotypic presentation of Mendelian disease
Kayhan Batmanghelich | Kayhan Batmanghelich | Synthetic Data In Medical Imaging: Are we there yet?
Brian Browning | Compression of Phased Sequence Data
Na Cai | Helmholtz Zentrum München
Francesco Paolo Casale | ML-enabled Genetic Association Studies of High-Content Phenotypes
Tim Chang | Modeling Alzheimer’s disease Risk in Real World Data
Han Chen | StocSum: a reference panel free summary statistics framework for diverse populations
Irene Chen | Leveraging Large Datasets and Large Language Models for Healthcare
Haoyu Cheng | Reconstructing Every Haplotype with De Novo Assembly
Jeffrey Chiang | Towards foundation models for Electronic Health Records
Rayan Chikhi | Project Logan Assembling all public sequencing data
Rayan Chikhi | A Chalk Talk on Applications of K-mers
Ercument Cicek Bilkent | University & Carnegie Mellon University
Andrew Dahl | University of Chicago
Jessica Dennis | University of British Columbia
Mohammed El-Kebir | Introduction to Integer Linear Programming
Jason Ernst | Computational Methods for Cross-species Epigenomic Analyses
Jason Ernst | Computational Methods for Modeling and Analyzing Epigenomic Data
Eleazar Eskin | Challenges in Developing a Universal Metagenomic Diagnostic Test
Nandita Garud | Inference of the selective effects and demographic histories of human gut commensals
Casey Greene | Some issues with deconvolution using single-cell profiles
Gamze Gürsoy | Privacy-preserving techniques for precision medicine
Juan Gutierrez | The Flaws of Others: Large Language Models in Biomedical Research
Iman Hajirasouliha | Iman Hajirasouliha | AI Models in Reproductive Medicine
Fereydoun Hormozdiari | University of California, Davis
Haky (Hae Kyung) Im | On the problem of inflation in TWAS and other xWAS
Evan Johnson | Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
Shalmali Joshi | Columbia University
Aly Azeem Khan | University of Chicago
Jaehee Kim | Cornell University
David Knowles | Using the Pyro probabilistic programming language for statistical genomics
Rahul Krishnan | Bridging the gap: Deep Learning and Causality
Kenneth Lange | Examples of MM Algorithms
Iuliana Laza | Columbia University
Christina Leslie | New Machine Learning Models for Single-cell and Regulatory Genomics
Qunhua Li | Pennsylvania State University
Wei (April) Li | Genotype Representation Graph/ Enabling Efficient Analysis of Biobank-Scale Data
Stefano Lonardi | How to “Squeeze” the Best Genome Assembly From Your HiFi Reads
Jian Ma | Carnegie Mellon University
Nick Mancuso | Variational Inference for Fun and Profit
Jazlyn Mooney | Using dogs as a model system in genomics
Loes Olde Loohuis | Using biobanks to study people that are not in it
Loes Olde Loohuis | Psychiatric phenotyping from EHR, yes, we can!
Pavel Pevzner | Uni-alignment: A Parameter-free Framework for Fast and Accurate Sequence Alignment
Harold Pimentel | Hierarchical Models for Deep Mutational Scans
Rajesh Ranganath | Digging into the foundations of generative AI for healthcare
Ben Raphael | Evolutionary Models for Cancer and Lineage Tracing
Ben Raphael | Models and Methods for Spatial Transcriptomics
Sushmita Roy | Matrix factorization and applications to bulk and single cell omic datasets
Julia Salzman | SPLASH: Statistical signal extraction for unified genomic discovery
Kris Sankaran | Topic Models for Multiscale Analysis
Ayellet Segre | Harvard Medical School
Sagiv Shifman | Using pooled CRISPR screens to study biology
Ritambhara Singh | An introduction to graph neural networks
Pavel Skums | Harnessing Computational Genomics for Predicting Viral Evolution
Sagi Snir | Assembling the Tree of Life in Light of Conflicting Signals
Paul Spellman | Constraints on Tumor Development
Matthew Stephens | Empirical Bayes Matrix Factorization and Parts-based Representations
Matthew Stephens | Empirical Bayes and its applications: shrinkage, hypothesis testing, and more
Daniel Tward | Classical and Deep Learning Approaches to Longitudinal Modeling in Neuroimages
Julia Vogt | Echoes Over Time: Detecting Heart Defects in Newborns
Wei Wang | Information Retrieval in the Era of Large Language Models
Wenyi Wang | A Guide to Perform Transcriptomic Deconvolution in Cancer
Tandy Warnow | Statistically consistent estimation of level-1 phylogenetic networks from SNPs
Jason Xu | Improving k means clustering via simple iterative optimization
Loic Yengo | University of Queensland, Australia
Chongzhi Zang | University of Virginia
Alex Zelikovsky | SARS CoV 2 Saltations and Punctuational Evolution
Jing Zhang | Dissecting the Gene Regulatory Grammer at a Single cell Resolution
Shaojie Zhang | PBWT-based Algorithms for Large Cohort Genetics
Xinjun Zhang | Promises and Pitfalls of Scaling in Population Genetic Simulations
Zijun (Frank) Zhang | Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Hua Zhou | Statistical and Computational Algorithms for Analyzing Biobank Data