07/07/2017 @ 14:00-14:30
Retreat Research Talk by YoSon Park
Large, diverse population cohorts of hiPSCs and derived hepatocyte-like cells reveal functional genetic variation at blood lipid-associated loci
1. Pashos, E.E., Park, Y., Wang, X., Raghavan, A., Yang, W., Abbey, D., Peters, D.T., Arbelaez, J., Hernandez, M., Kuperwasser, N. and Li, W., 2017. Large, Diverse Population Cohorts of hiPSCs and Derived Hepatocyte-like Cells Reveal Functional Genetic Variation at Blood Lipid-Associated Loci. Cell Stem Cell, 20(4), pp.558-570.
YoSon Park: Large, diverse population cohorts of hiPSCs and derived hepatocyte-like cells reveal functional genetic variation at blood lipid-associated loci