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07/06/2017 @ 14:40-15:10
Retreat Research Talk by Na Cai
Heterogeneity in depression
1. Cai, N., Bigdeli, T.B., Kretzschmar, W.W., Li, Y., Liang, J., Hu, J., Peterson, R.E., Bacanu, S., Webb, B.T., Riley, B. and Li, Q., 2017. 11,670 whole-genome sequences representative of the Han Chinese population from the CONVERGE project. Scientific data, 4.
2. Peterson, R.E., Cai, N., Bigdeli, T.B., Li, Y., Reimers, M., Nikulova, A., Webb, B.T., Bacanu, S.A., Riley, B.P., Flint, J. and Kendler, K.S., 2017. The genetic architecture of major depressive disorder in Han Chinese women. JAMA psychiatry, 74(2), pp.162-168.
3. Converge Consortium, 2015. Sparse whole genome sequencing identifies two loci for major depressive disorder. Nature, 523(7562), p.588.
4. Cai, N., Chang, S., Li, Y., Li, Q., Hu, J., Liang, J., Song, L., Kretzschmar, W., Gan, X., Nicod, J. and Rivera, M., 2015. Molecular signatures of major depression. Current Biology, 25(9), pp.1146-1156.