07/19/2017 @ 09:15-10:00
Tutorial by John Novembre
Computational tools for understanding population structure in genetic variation data
1. Novembre, J. and Stephens, M., 2008. Interpreting principal component analyses of spatial population genetic variation. Nature genetics, 40(5), pp.646-649.
2. Alexander, D.H., Novembre, J. and Lange, K., 2009. Fast model-based estimation of ancestry in unrelated individuals. Genome research, 19(9), pp.1655-1664.
3. Yang, W.Y., Novembre, J., Eskin, E. and Halperin, E., 2012. A model-based approach for analysis of spatial structure in genetic data. Nature genetics, 44(6), pp.725-731.
4. Petkova, D., Novembre, J. and Stephens, M., 2015. Visualizing spatial population structure with estimated effective migration surfaces. Nature Publishing Group.
5. Novembre, J. and Peter, B.M., 2016. Recent advances in the study of fine-scale population structure in humans. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development, 41, pp.98-105.
John Novembre | Computational tools for understanding population structure in genetic variation data | CGSI 2017