07/13/2017 @ 09:00-09:45
Tutorial by Or Zuk
Co-evolution analysis: Methods and applications
1. Felsenstein, J., 1985. Phylogenies and the comparative method. The American Naturalist, 125(1), pp.1-15.
2. Pellegrini, M., Marcotte, E.M., Thompson, M.J., Eisenberg, D. and Yeates, T.O., 1999. Assigning protein functions by comparative genome analysis: protein phylogenetic profiles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 96(8), pp.4285-4288.
3. Morcos, F., Pagnani, A., Lunt, B., Bertolino, A., Marks, D.S., Sander, C., Zecchina, R., Onuchic, J.N., Hwa, T. and Weigt, M., 2011. Direct-coupling analysis of residue coevolution captures native contacts across many protein families. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(49), pp.E1293-E1301.
Or Zuk | Co-evolution analysis | Methods and applications | CGSI 2017